Monday, January 12, 2009

Ask the Geek!

Rather than just babble on about whatever catches my attention today, I would like to ask YOU my loyal readers if you have any questions. Subjects can range from comic book/superhero knowledge to writing to philosophy to pretty much anything else. If you ever wanted to know anything about comics or you just want to discuss fate versus free-will, send me your request and if I find it suitably interesting, I'll write a post about it.

Sample questions:

Who is that guy Samuel Jackson is playing at the end of Iron Man?
What's the deal with Batgirl?
Are good and evil real?
Do you actually finish writing things, or just talk about it forever?

1 comment:

  1. *raises hand* Who IS Samuel L. Jackson playing at the end of Iron Man? That was a movie I saw with ABSOLUTELY NO KNOWLEDGE of the material.
