Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Astonishing Adventures: Name Change Update

Just a quick update on recent name changes to avoid confusion. I'll go back and change my old posts later.

First, Astounding Adventures has become Astonishing Adventures. I still don't love the name, but "astonishing" is a little easier on the tongue. I originally avoided the word "astonishing" for its connection to the recent Joss Whedon series Astonishing X-Men, but I'm sure that will become old news by the time I'm ready to publish.

Also, for the sake of flow, I've changed the Mechanic to the Mechanist. And in case you missed it, I've changed the Alchemist to Dr. Alchemy. (There actually is a Dr. Alchemy in comics, but he is a third rate DC villain with absolutely no resemblance to my character, so hopefully I won't have to change it for legal reasons.)

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