Thursday, January 15, 2009

Keanu Saddles Up

As soon as I saw those three words, I knew it couldn't be good:

Brought to you as only E! can deliver.


  1. Aw Christ! Why is this necessary? Who is attached to direct? I ask because I'm too lazy (and, uh, full of brandy) to investigate for myself. Also, this brief "story" reminds me of reading newspaper articles about things I have specialized knowledge of, and the chilling feeling of realizing that reporters have no idea what they're talking about. Now let's see if I can handle, as a seriously inebriated motherfucker, the Captcha type-the-fucked-up-word game you have to play to post. Incidentally, the word is "surchu," which sounds like it was some Mongol khan or some shit. Aight.

  2. And what business does Keanu Reeves have playing Spike? We've seen all he can give, and he never seems relaxed enough. I can't even imagine Spike's slight, grimace-y smile on Keanu. And I don't mean Grimace the giant purple McDonald's beast. That's something elseentirely. All right, timeto go to sleep. Or, as the French say, "le passe out."

  3. I don't know who is directing. I don't really want to know.

    For me, I just have to say... why? Why is it that no matter how good a book, comic, video game, or cartoon may be, it isn't complete until it is made into a Hollywood movie? Even foreign films aren't complete until they have been translated to English and recast with marketable actors.

    I used to read a website full of Star Trek reviews and he would often refer to mindless Star Wars-type action as "comic book" style. But in comic book circles, we call that blockbuster style. In film class, we call it Hollywood style.

    I guess we just want it to feel as real and relatable as possible, but personally, I'd rather they spend that money on making another Cowboy Bebop animated movie.

    *sigh* I miss hand drawn animation. Pixar does good work, but it all looks the same.
