Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ideal casting for superheroes

Probably the hardest part of casting comic character is finding someone who is just the right age, but it raises an interesting question: Who would have been the perfect, all-time casting choice for some of the biggest icons in comic book history?

Agree? Disagree? Let me know!

Superman - Gregory Peck

Shown here in To Kill A Mockingbird, Gregory Peck's role as Addicus Finch won AFI's award for greatest film hero of all time. It isn't hard to imagine him as America's greatest hero or his mild-mannered alter ego.

Supergirl - Marilyn Monroe

As for Superman's cousin, I can't imagine anyone better than Marilyn Monroe. Aside from being an unparalleled beauty, the woman had a sense of presence that would make it easy to believe her as a demi-goddess from another world.

Batman - Orson Welles

Years ago, Mark Millar perpetuated a hoax that Orson Welles was a big Batman fan and he had nearly made the ultimate Batman movie. Although it was exposed as such in the same day, it was still a beautiful fantasy and ever since, I cannot escape the idea of Orson Welles writing, directing, and starring in a Batman feature film.

Wonder Woman - Paula Prentiss

Always a tough one to cast, but I'm going to have to go for sixties icon and the original Stepford Wife, Paula Prentiss. Prentiss has the grace, poise, and maturity that we no longer seem to value in our actresses.

Green Lantern - Harrison Ford

For the original Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, my mind immediately goes to Han Solo, another hotshot pilot with an abrasive demeanor. But if you want me to believe a man is fearless, well, I believe Harrison Ford. I believe he can do anything... and not just because he was Indiana Jones... though it helps.

The Spirit - Bruce Campbell

For Will Eisner's comedic, lantern-jawed hero, I would choose the incomparable Bruce Campbell. Best known for the Evil Dead series, he can now be seen on USA's Burn Notice. Campbell utilizes both heroism and comedy in all of his roles and he never fails. With the right director, he would have made an incredible Spirit.

Captain Marvel - Patrick Warburton

If Superman is a boy scout, Captain Marvel is a Care Bear. He has the powers of Superman with a demeanor so wholesome that he makes Clark Kent look like a neo-Nazi. To play him, I'd go with the huge actor with a great sense of humor, Patrick Warburton. Warburton is probably best known for his voice work in Venture Brothers as Brock Samson, in Family Guy as Joe Swanson, and in a series of Superman commercials starring Jerry Seinfeld, however his live acting work can be seen in Seinfeld, Newsradio, and Get Smart, the movie.

Joker - Willem Dafoe

There are several actors that could probably do an incredible Joker. Dennis Leary remains one of my top choices, but I have to say that Willem Dafoe would be perfect. Heath Ledger's Joker was an entertaining psychopath, but the Joker needs to be more than that. He is a symbol, much like Batman, and I think Willem Dafoe could convey that bone-chilling terror with nothing more than a painted face and a smile.

Riddler - David Hyde Pierce

I was watching a movie (Wet Hot American Summer) with David Hyde Pierce and thinking, "Huh... he could play Professor X." My roommate said, "How about the Riddler?" Yeah. Without a doubt. He may not be a big name, but he is perfect for the role.

Poison Ivy - Angelina Jolie

I've heard Angie's name tossed around to play Catwoman a lot... and while she isn't a bad choice, she is the perfect choice for Poison Ivy. Catwoman is a thrill-seeker, but Poison Ivy is an insane seductress and (in a very real sense) a plant goddess. She should be death that you might walk toward willingly because she is that fucking sexy.

Penguin - Joe Pesci

For this character, I had a lot of options. Internet buzz seems to put Philip Seymour Hoffman in the lead. For a long time, I had WC Fields as my favorite. Certainly Danny DeVito and Burgess Meredith were good choices, but for my money, no one can beat Joe Pesci. Now that is a Penguin that we can all get behind.

Daredevil - Dylan McDermott

Jumping over to Marvel Comics for a bit, as I said before, I'm a big fan of The Practice where star Dylan McDermott plays a Catholic defense attorney who could easily double as the man without fear. Sadly, that time is passed, but I can still dream.

Longshot - Johnny Depp

My favorite superhero is the third-string character, Longshot, who is something of a male ingenue. He is beautiful, clueless, and fearless. His original comic is drenched in '80s nostalgia, so it isn't hard for me to imagine what a period Johnny Depp film would be like. Awesome, that's what! One of Longshot's powers is his extreme beauty and I can't think of any man who is more universally attractive than Johnny Depp.

Punisher - Sylvester Stallone

Go watch First Blood and any other Rambo movie that suits your fancy. I have reason to suspect that the Punisher was inspired by the literary Rambo about a Vietnam vet who takes the war home with him. Sly Stallone, in his heyday, would have been the perfect Punisher. Can he act? Probably not, but he doesn't really need to for the role.

Magneto - Rutger Hauer

I didn't care for Ian McKellan as Magneto. He was a great Gandolf, but as Magneto, he just struck me as a dirty old man. Magneto needs to look like a hero, in a way, but a dark hero... because that is who he is. He isn't taking over the world for glory or power. He is doing it to save his people and that sort of messiah complex would be conveyed better through the hard-set jaw of Rutger Hauer.

Storm - Angela Bassett

And, of course, no one liked Halle Berry as Storm. When I saw Strange Days, I knew that Angela Bassett was the perfect choice for Storm. Not only tall, Bassett is statuesque and can deliver her lines with the confidence and conviction to convey a woman who spent her youth worshiped as a goddess.

Beast - Kevin Smith

This one was a recent revelation, but I'm convinced that Kevin Smith would be the ideal Beast. Too often, this role is cast as dull and bookish, but the Beast is actually incredibly funny and versatile. Kevin Smith has the perfect demeanor and voice to play this role, and he has the comedic writing ability to ad lib his own lines. Being a big comic fan, I have to imagine that he would jump at the chance.

Jean Grey - Anne Hathaway

For the role of Marvel Girl/Phoenix, I am captivated by Anne Hathaway. Not only is she gorgeous, she is a terrific actress. With her cast as Jean Grey, it wouldn't be hard to imagine why she is the girl that both Scott and Logan obsess over.

Black Panther - Denzel Washington

For a long time, Wesley Snipes was in talks to follow up his work on Blade with a Black Panther feature film, but I never thought Snipes was right for the role. He is good at being a bad ass, but when I think African prince, I think Denzel Washington. The man is as smooth as James Bond, but he has the incredible acting range to play powerful, charismatic leaders. While I doubt he would play a superhero, I hope he would make an exception for this one.

Well, that's all for now. What do you think? Do you know any actors that would be perfect for a comic role? Let me know!

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