Thursday, April 29, 2010

Open letter to Marvel Comics re: death of Nightcrawler

No spoiler alert because if you are worried about a character death being spoiled, get a life.

Okay, comic companies... enough. Just stop killing characters.

I was going to say stop killing off heroes to boost sales, but no. You have gone too far. I am now taking away all of your toys until you can learn to behave.

I am fucking sick of all of these pointless character death events. It is so fucking shallow and manipulative and it just makes me want to stop reading comics.

I didn't buy the death of Superman, Captain America, Batman, Cyclops, Colossus, Jean Grey (this time), or all of the rest of it. I knew that all of these characters will come back shortly. All you are doing is forcing someone to write a story later when they come back from the dead. The story will be tedious and the explanation will make no sense. If we are really unlucky, Nightcrawler will be brought back with new powers and a new attitude.

Fuck you. Just tell a fucking story, assholes!

1 comment:

  1. thoughts exactly. dave cockrum's most stunning, heartfelt creation is erased just so marvel/disney can bump up the numbers for the latest x-men crossover storyarc....these money-grubbing douche bags-in-charge(editors) r way past tedious.
