Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fuck you very much, Marvel Comics

So a new X-Men comic is coming out and Marvel is declaring it "X-Men Day."

If you don't know I'm a huge X-Men fan, you haven't been reading my blog... but I am not happy about this new series being made and I will tell you why.

1) Multiple titles of the same subject (character or team) tend to detract from one another. They may fight over characters or events in one book will effect the other, but if you love one of the books and hate the other, there is nothing more frustrating than having to sit through some shitty crossover.

2) The name of this new comic is "X-Men." There already was a comic called simply "X-Men," but they changed it to "New X-Men" and then "X-Men: Legacy" (neither of which really made much difference). The problem is that it is hard to talk about this title. What titles are you reading? "Well, Uncanny X-Men, Astonishing X-Men, and X-Men X-Men." A lot of people actually called it the adjective-less X-Men. This is just poor branding. If you are going to have multiple titles of the same subject, they each need their own style and the best way to define that style is with the name.

3) This is a ridiculously gimmicky comic. It began with a series of "sly" teaser images saying that Spider-Man, Blade, Elektra, and some other ridiculous characters are X-Men. The whole thing turned me off even then and I didn't know what it was. When they finally revealed their plan, they announced that this was a story about vampire mutants and they would be teaming up with all sorts of Marvel characters to fight them.

I know comic readers are kind of immature, but this sounds like bad fan fic. Nevermind that the X-Men are currently based in San Francisco and all of these other characters are in New York.

4) This series is written by Victor Gischler. Who is he? I don't know. I've never heard of him. So why should I give a fuck? Art by Paco Medina. I've heard of him. His work is... okay. I think... if he is the guy I'm thinking of...

So you are making a big deal about a team I love with a horribly generic concept, a creative team that no one has heard of, to release another comic that will make your titles even more difficult to follow.

You've gone past greedy to retarded. Even your die hard fans are embarrassed by you.

Sad. Just fucking sad.

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