Monday, May 17, 2010

In Praise of Mild-Manneredness

I have recently come to accept that I am a mild-mannered individual. I was struggling with it for a long time because I am generally very quiet. I feel like I gravitate between talking about big concepts as though I'm trying to impress someone and trivial bullshit that is so boring, sometimes I refuse to finish my sentences because there is--

Anyway, I was watching Smallville and finding it strange that I was identifying with Clark Kent... because I didn't think you were supposed to identify with Clark. I'm certainly not the boy scout that he is. I like to experiment with sex and drugs and live amongst all the misfits of the world.

But on the other hand, I'm a lot like Clark. I am incredibly honest, fairly responsible (more so for others than myself), and I always try to treat people with respect. I'm also pretty boring in some ways.

It occurs to me that interesting people are frequently assholes. To be interesting, there has to be a certain amount of not caring about others. Just the "fuck it" mentality. It helps to be loud and overbearing. It helps to be irresponsible and wake up to new messes every day.

Granted, I could probably use a bit of that, but it isn't really me. There is a reason that I identified with Cyclops for so long when others just hated him. I can see why people would think he is boring. He isn't sarcastic or angry or goofy or any of those things people love, but that's because he is trying to be the best person he can be.

I think we could use more mild-mannered people in this world... particularly in this country. It isn't a value that we teach in our MTV culture. It is the rowdy people who have big parties they expect others to clean up after. Mild-mannered people are the bedrock of society.

There is a line in DS9 where someone compares Miles O'Brien to Atlas. He is the every man that keeps things running. I think we need more of that... though I still intend to be a writer, not a construction worker or farmer. But I'd like to approach my trade with that same sort of quiet dignity. I've always felt writing should be approached with an earnest heart.

Anyway, offer a toast with me to those mild-mannered men and women who never receive the praise they so richly deserve.

1 comment:

  1. A toast indeed. There aren't enough role models or heroes, etc, that aren't goofy/obnoxious/rude/asshats/what have you these days. Something my mom laments looking at popular movies and such on a regular basis.


    One of my favorite comic artists recently did a pitch to Marvel for a short Wolverine-based story. It's completely ridiculous, but I got a kick out of it and thought I'd share:
