Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Deadpool movie

So the rumor that hit the web today is that Robert Rodriguez has been offered the chance to direct the Deadpool movie.

I'm not a big fan of Rodriguez. To me, his action is really over the top... so much so that it loses the emotional intensity as it becomes more of a farce.

That said, I am a fan of Deadpool and I am really hoping this happens because those same qualities that I dislike about Rodriquez would work perfectly in a Deadpool film.

The trick will be conveying humor, particularly if Deadpool is faceless. In the comics, his face is hideously scarred, which is why he never takes off the mask. His character's flavor comes from the fact that his insanity is a mixture of genuine humor and genuine horror. He is a psychopath, but he is funny.

I have no strong feelings about Ryan Reynolds, who played the role in the Wolverine film, so if he doesn't reprise the role, it is no big deal. Personally, I'd like to see the role go to a comedian. My pick is Dane Cook.

I don't know if my audience hates Dane Cook or not, but I think he gets a lot of undeserved flack because (A) he is cocky and (B) he is popular with a dumb crowd. I don't think either of these are particularly good reasons. But I think the intensity, physical build, and the emotion in his voice would perfectly suit Marvel's "merc with a mouth."

Then there are a few other things to think about, like who would write it? Tough to say. I'd love to see Joss Whedon write a script, but I could say that about any superhero. Whoever writes it, I hope they pass the script to Joss Whedon and Kevin Smith to add one-liners. Smith could probably write a brilliant Deadpool script, but I don't think he has the balls to commit to it.

What about the plot? There aren't any legendary Deadpool plots upon which to base a story. It would probably loosely follow Joe Kelly's run where he lives with a cranky old blind woman named Al who is his hostage and a computer geek named Weasel as his backup/weapons designer.

But every Hollywood movie needs a villain and a love interest... For the love interest, I would go with the shapeshifter, Copycat. One of my favorite things about their relationship in the comics is that Deadpool would have her shapeshift into superheroines in order to live out his depraved fantasies.

For villain... I don't know. You might want to go with an old Wolverine villain like Omega Red. I doubt they are going to do a movie about him and you could say he was a Russian super-soldier who went into the mafia after the fall of the Soviet Union. Tie it into Weapon X somehow. Maybe there is some sort of... competition between these super-soldier assassins and they are all out to kill one another. That could be fun. A lot of cameos, colorful characters, and little explanation necessary.

Just food for thought.

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