Monday, June 21, 2010


I'm looking into meditation as a solution to some of my problems... or at least a relief... I hope.

I used to meditate in my teenage years... when I could find no other way to deal with my feelings. This was before I had done any drugs. When life and my thoughts became too much to handle, I would just concentrate on returning my mind to a blank slate. I was pretty good at it too.

One thing about meditation is that it lets your subconscious loose and before long, you don't know if you are talking to yourself or receiving information from... elsewhere. Call them the voice of God, spirits, or the left hemisphere of the brain... It can get a little weird and intense.

It's funny how such a simple thing as clearing your mind has so many techniques and philosophies attached to it, but I like Swami Vivekananda said:

"Meditation has been laid stress upon by all religions. The meditative state of mind is declared by the Yogis to be the highest state in which the mind exists. When the mind is studying the external object, it gets identified with it, loses itself. To use the simile of the old Indian philosopher: the soul of man is like a piece of crystal, but it takes the colour of whatever is near it. Whatever the soul touches ... it has to take its colour. That is the difficulty. That constitutes the bondage."

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