Thursday, October 28, 2010

October is the month of fear

So I've Zoë her own blog now. This is to get the ball rolling on the titular series, Most Modern.

I'll be writing more about that soon, but Zoë has decided that every month of the year has a theme and October's is (appropriately enough) fear.

Now, this does not mean that it is the month to be afraid or to spread fear, but rather I've taken it to mean that it is the month to confront your fears and overcome them. I have been making an effort to do things I'm afraid of, but I started the month a bit late and I intend to keep a bit of this mentality into the next month.

Try doing what you're afraid of... even if you don't think that fear is the reason that you are avoiding it. Maybe you haven't been doing something just because it is uncomfortable or difficult... but maybe at the heart of that is fear.

October is the month to destroy your fears... like Batman does every day. Destroy your fears like the Death Star destroys Alderaan.

That is all.

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