Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Okay... writing progress report...

I'm not working on Astonishing Adventures right now because its a motherfucking monster. Writing an epic is hard... writing an epic in historical fiction while balancing out relevant themes and making allusions to comic culture is a bitch.

Last night I started drafting up some work for the first issue of Genius. I felt like Sisyphus; every sentence was a battle... but I more or less have something. I wrote a draft of his origin. Basically, it's the first act. The second act is tough. This is the part where he finds out about his new intellect and uses it. Aside from gambling, I don't know what you would use a brilliant intellect for. Hitting on women?

The trajectory for this project is that as the hero becomes smarter, he sees society as a totalitarian conspiracy and he is continually frustrated by the stupidity of others. His desire to fix it goes over the edge to jerk and possibly even psychotic. I want the reader fascinated by the hero, but not entirely behind him.

I'm going to try to focus more on Stargame. My collaborative partner found out about a new Flash program that may cut down on a lot of the programming, so maybe we can push it forward. Apparently I have to write chapter one in order for us to work on it, though I'm not sure I understand why.

Going to try to do these for a while. Most Modern also wants some attention, but I'm not ready for that yet either.

I'm also working on a romance/erotica thing. Don't know if I'll try to publish it. Just working out some issues.

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