Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I want to write something but nothing is flowing.

On my to-do list are:

The first issue of Astonishing Adventures
An outline for Most Modern (the comic)
The second part in The Socialist Agenda's drug report - Prescription psychological medication
Part 4 of my exhaustive history of the X-Men
A new post-apocalyptic story based on previous ideas

These are pretty much in the order which I want to write them. I want to work on AA because I want to concentrate on one project and this one should be the most fun, but I want to work on Most Modern because it's less structured and more contemporary so I don't have to "think forties." But while I have a lot of ideas for characters, themes, and plot lines, I still don't have a story.

I also really want to do the drug report because I have a lot of fantastic information, but not enough. I would really have to do more research. There is a book by Dr. Peter Breggin called The Anti-Depressant Fact Book that I really want to read, but I don't have any money for pleasure spending right now. Hopefully soon.

My X-Men posts also take a surprisingly long time. I have all of the pictures compiled for the next entry, but writing and arranging the pictures is a big pain in the ass so I think I'll wait until I'm not so burnt out from writing the previous three.

I had an idea for a post-apocalyptic story set in suburban sprawl where, instead of a desert wasteland, American is just filled with natural growth which is slowly consuming mankind. The few surviving humans are mutants, groundlings are ten-feet tall at the shoulder, and giant diesel powered wasps form hives in malls. Listening to Franklin's new album really put me in the mood for that.


  1. Holy Moses! I wish I could go back and add giant diesel-powered mall wasps to After. You weren't by chance testing out anything for your drug stories on your other blog when you came up with those, were you?

  2. Actually, it was originally a giant, diesel powered gorilla with huge exhaust pipes sticking out of his back. I wasn't going to have any people at all, but he needed some place to refuel, so I thought the wasps built a hive over a mall and it was filled with diesel like honey.

    I know that there are all sorts of logical inconsistencies there, but when you have a diesel-powered gorilla fighting giant mutant wasps, who cares about logic?
