Friday, March 6, 2009

The Socialist Agenda

Well, my sister site has now been publicly released! (Although my only two commentators have already found it, but if you check it out, I now have pictures!)

The name was actually a edgier a month ago before the fear of socialism had been ramped up to apocalyptic levels. I have been hearing this garbage all of my life, but no one was ever able to explain to me why socialism didn't work. But the more I've learned about the Republican party and the history of economics, the more I've come to discover that this is just fear mongering from those who put their business interests ahead of the general good.

So instead of just crying "socialism doesn't work" and pointing at evil fascist regimes in third world countries that used the cloak of socialism to push their own agenda of power and hatred, let's actually discuss a system of government that we want to live in.

The point of this blog is not simply to complain that things are bad, but to suggest solutions in every aspect of the socio-political world. Let's start imagining (or re-imagining, in this case) new forms of government for the 21st century. Let's decide what we want the future to look like before someone else decides for us.

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