Friday, February 26, 2010

Superman movie update

So... word is that David Goyer is writing a new script for a new Superman movie. Goyer helped kick-start this superhero renaissance with Blade in 1998 (after writing the horrible Nick Fury movie starring David Hasselhoff, but you can't blame Goyer for that). Goyer's more recent prolific work includes both of the new Batman films and [Batman director] Christopher Nolan will be around to give him a hand.

On top of which, Grant (All-Star Superman) Morrison and Geoff (Superman: Secret Origins) Johns have recently been made the official comic book consultants on all DC superhero films.

I hate to get excited about a superhero film (especially this early) because its often like being in a room full of hot women and then realizing they are all born again. Very disappointing... but if I ever heard news to get excited about, this is it.

But then, all they need is one bad actor or director to topple their house of cards.

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