Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Zack Snyder is directing the Superman movie

So Zack Snyder is directing the Superman movie...

He previously brought us 300 and Watchmen...


So he did two comic book movies and he is qualified to do another one? Is that how it works?

You couldn't have found someone who, I don't know, has storytelling qualities which will best exemplify the tone and major themes of Superman?


Now I'm acting like comic books have literary themes. How stupid of me...


Everyone is writing their guidelines to making a good Superman film. Pretty much everyone agrees they need a new villain, someone for Superman to punch repeatedly, but rumor has it, they are just going to do Zod again (ho-hum).

Anyway, I threw my 2-cents in years ago... and here are the links if you haven't read them.

Saving The Franchise: Superman - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Casting The Ultimate Superman Movies

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